Privacy Policy

Enlightapp provides a product and related services that are intended to support students’educational experience. When insightful information about a student’s educational journey is thoughtfully documented and efficiently shared, we are all working together to give students a stronger foundation to improve their educational successes. In turn, we only use personal information for the defined, appropriate purpose of providing Enlightapp in a manner that meets your expectations.

By using our product and / or services, you consent to this Privacy Policy.

What Information do we collect?


Students and the supporters of a student’s educational journey are all human beings. No two students are exactly the same and no two students’ educational journeys should be exactly the same. Therefore, Enlightapp facilitates the discovery and sharing of information that can help parents, educators, and the students themselves improve their educational journey. The nature of Enlightapp and supporting students requires the sharing of personal information about students (with parental consent for students under 18), and while we facilitate the displaying and sharing of this information, we do not collect it for advertising purposes.

Automated Collection

Our website uses cookies. Those cookies support the functionality of our website and services, and their functions include signing in, and providing us with website traffic analytics. We do not use cookies or collect automated information to sell you anything. For more information, please read our Cookie Policy.

Please also note that on the website and within the app, we may collect anonymized or anonymous information about how you utilize the website or app, and information about how you access our products (for example, on a mobile device or desktop computer). We use that information to analyze and improve your experiences with Enlightapp, resolve bugs or inefficiencies, respond to customer service or technical inquiries, and generally operate our products and services in a manner that you expect

Billing Information

We will collect standard billing information such as a credit card number and contact address to ensure that you are successful in paying any amounts due. Therefore, you agree that we can maintain billing records that include transactions details and your contact information. Such information will only be used for our business purposes, such as delivery of services to you, or our business tax and financial requirements.

Other Uses of Your Information

We may collect or retain information related to a student, class, or school. We do not collect or retain this information for advertising purposes. We do, however, collect and retain this information to make sure we can deliver a working product and services to you, provide customer service, provide technical support, improve our product over time, respond to feedback or other general inquiries, and meet our various business obligations. We generally make sure that we treat your personal data respectfully and securely no matter who you are or where you live.

Third Parties

Please be aware that our products and services are delivered with the cooperation of some
third parties. Therefore we do work with some third parties. For example, we work with third
parties to store information in databases, analyze our website traffic, or process payments. Youare responsible for agreeing to the terms and policies of those third parties. If you do not agree
with those terms or policies, please terminate your use of our product and / or services, and
please contact us with questions at Although we are not responsible
for third party product or service issues, we appreciate feedback regarding these third parties
and their terms.


Our website at does use cookies. Please see our Cookie Policy for more detailed information.

Data Rights & Local Jurisdictions

Every student, and every human being has rights to their data. It is yours after all. While we take steps to protect and treat your data thoughtfully, you may also have some rights that are related to where you live or attend school. Many States and foreign countries have their own data rights and laws, and while our practices and systems are intended to comply with all of those rights and laws, you may have questions specific to your life circumstances. Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions. We respect your data rights and you can submit data-related requests to

Kids Under 18

We at Enlightapp recognize that many of the students utilizing our product and services, or even just visiting our website, may be under 18. This is why parents must consent to the use of our product or services, and we strongly encourage parents to be actively involved in their student’s educational journey. That active involvement includes using extra care to work with students and teachers (and other educational stakeholders such as school administrators)regarding the content they (students) post, share, or access.

Students that are 18 years old or older are not required to obtain parental or guardian consent to use our product or services. However, all students of all ages are encouraged to involve their educational support system people in their use of Enlightapp’s product and services.

Data Transfers

Our databases are located in the USA provided by a third party. If you are located outside the USA, data will be transferred to our servers located in the USA. Generally regarding data transfers, we seek to follow best practices regarding all cross-border data transfers utilizing adequacy decisions, standard contractual clauses, and encryption and security practices as our guideposts for safely and securely handling and transferring data. If you have a specific question about your data, please contact

Changes and Updates

You have the ability to update or change many of your settings within our product and services.In the event you wish to withdraw your consent for the use of our product or services, please note that continued use of our product or services will contradict a request to withdraw or terminate our relationship and therefore if you wish to withdraw your consent you must also cease use of our product and services. If you have questions or require assistance with changing or updating any setting, including a change of consent, please contact our customer service team at


Please note that this Privacy Policy is subject to change or amendment over time. If we wish to make any such changes or updates, we are allowed to do so, and those changes will be posted here. We may also notify you via email or other types of notices (such as a banner on our website) in the event that this Privacy Policy is updated.

General Feedback

If you submit feedback, we’re going to read it! Therefore, please be aware that whatever information you provide when you contact us may be shared internally with our team (and any relevant third parties, such as our billing provider in the event that you have a billing inquiry) so we can respond to you.

Contact and Customer Service Information Retention

When you provide contact or billing information to establish a relationship with us, submit a request, provide feedback, open an account, or make a payment, we will collect and use that information to respond to you, and / or conduct the requested transaction. In most cases, we will also document our actions and responses. For example, if you submit a customer service request and we respond to that request, we may keep a copy of that conversation for our records and to help respond to future inquiries. We care about your privacy and want to hear from you if you have questions, comments, or concerns. Contact us at